Drink water properly

Water makes up 70% of our body, it is present in cells in all organs of the body. Therefore, to ensure the body is functioning normally, you should drink water every day. But using too much water will also harm the body. So you need to add water at a reasonable level.

1. The role of water in the body

Drink enough water to help beautify the skin
  • Water helps to lose weight effectively: Drinking plenty of water combined with proper nutrition will help you lose weight very well. The reason is that water does not contain calories, but also burns calories. Also, drinking water before meals causes you to feel full to help you eat less.
  • Help digestion, reduce constipation: Water aids in the absorption of nutrients in food, helping us have a healthy digestive system. Not only that water also helps increase food metabolism, soften stool, prevent and improve constipation.
  • Skin Beauty: Water accounts for 70% of the skin, when absorbed into the skin cells will increase elasticity, increase skin moisture. Providing enough water, enough moisture will make the skin smooth, smooth, healthy, and support the aging process. Without water, the skin will be prone to dryness, dullness, dullness, lack of elasticity, and aging faster.
  • Improve brain function: Water accounts for nearly 85% of the brain. Without water, brain activity is affected. Usually, in the absence of water, the body will have some symptoms such as loss of concentration, memory loss, often migraine.
  • Purification, detoxification of the body: The routes of elimination of toxins are usually urine, sweating, breathing, intestinal … and they all need water to function. Water has the role of detoxifying cells, drinking lots of water helps eliminate toxins from the body better and also helps dilute the concentration of toxic substances in the body. The best way to help your body detoxify effectively is to drink a glass of warm water early in the morning when you wake up.
  • Maintaining the health of the kidneys: The role of the kidneys in the body is to perform the function of filtering what is received into the body, ie water, and dialysis. Therefore, the kidneys need to ensure the amount of clean water needed to maintain and carry out their work. Providing sufficient water intake will help protect the kidneys to prevent reduced kidney function, kidney failure …

2. Signs identify the body’s lack of water

According to the British Health Agency (NHS) symptoms of dehydration, dehydration includes:

Not drinking enough water can cause a headache
  • Little urination: On average, a healthy person urinates about 6-7 times a day. If the frequency of urination is less than 2-3 times/day or not urinating for several hours, this is a warning sign that your body is dehydrated.
  • Dry skin: Even if you use a moisturizer, moisturize and your skin is still dry, adjust the amount of water you provide to your body every day.
  • Headache: Feeling tired people, drowsiness, dizziness, dizziness, lightheadedness. The head feels painful with all postures, especially when bending over, going up the stairs …
  • The urine is dark brown, dark yellow, opaque; dry throat, dry eyes, dry lips.
  • Always feeling hungry even after eating.

3. How to drink water enough and right

  • Every day should drink enough 2 liters of water to help the body operate well. In fact, each body will have a difference in the amount of water, so it can not apply the general formula. People who are regularly active, sweat a lot, or who are suffering from diarrhea need larger amounts of extra water. The minimum amount of water your body needs in a day is calculated as follows: Weight (lbs) x 0.5 = Amount of water to drink (oz). In which: 1 lbs = 0.5kg, 1 oz = 0.03 liters.
  • People with diabetes, kidney stones should drink more water than normal people to eliminate, excrete waste, bacteria that cause infections.
  • Drink one sip at a time, do not drink too much to avoid a sudden drop in potassium and sodium.
  • According to Chinese medicine, warm water is the best water we should use, they are usually at 40 – 50 degrees C. It promotes blood circulation, aids digestion, reduces migraine, mental pain Kinh.
  • Do not drink ice or cold water below 10 degrees Celsius when eating because they slow the blood circulation, affect the digestive function and nutrient absorption of the body.
  • Do not drink hot water above 65 degrees Celsius because it increases the risk of esophageal cancer. These include tea, hotpot, soups, porridge, or machine-brewed coffee.

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