There are many types of oils on the market, good and bad. I have chosen to list those which I use because of their content and health benefits. There are a lot of other healthy oils available which have very useful benefits, but there’s only so much oil you can use. The smoke point refers to the temperature at which cooking oil begins to break down, marking the point at which you start to lose flavor and nutritional value.

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat, a healthier type of fat that can lower your risk of heart disease by reducing the total and LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol levels in your blood, making it a healthier choice. In contrast, saturated and trans fats such as butter, animal fats, tropical oils, and partially hydrogenated oils, increase your risk of heart disease by increasing your total and bad cholesterol levels. All types of oils contain monounsaturated fat, but extra virgin or virgin olive oils are the least processed forms, so they are the most heart-healthy. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants like chlorophyll, carotenoids, and vitamin E. Scientists have identified a compound in olive oil called oleuropein, which prevents LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. It is the oxidized cholesterol that sticks to the wall of the arteries and forms plaque. Replacing other fats in your diet with olive oil can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of a heart attack.
2. Avocado Oil

Like olive oil, avocado oil is also rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, making it slightly anti-inflammatory and helpful for balancing the tendency to consume too many omega-6 fatty acids, which may contribute to the increase in inflammatory disease. Avocado oil also has a zero impact on glycemic load. There are claims that avocado oil fights heart disease, protects against diabetes, macular degeneration, prostate, and other cancers.
There are even claims that it reduces wrinkles. (It has been a beauty product and medicinal additive for many years.) The cold-pressed unrefined oil contains the highest level of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids which lower blood cholesterol. It also contains the highest levels of alpha-and beta carotene which protects against heart disease, twice the lutein of olive oil which protects against macular degeneration, and high levels of several essential vitamins and minerals including the powerful antioxidant, vitamin E.
3. Flaxseed Oil

The health benefits of flaxseed oil are extensive. It controls high blood pressure, helps lower cholesterol, and guards against heart disease. The benefits also extend to combating inflammation due to gout and inflammation in the joints and kidneys. The omega-3 acids present in the flaxseed oil help to absorb the iodine and this is very useful in treating conditions where iodine is present in small amounts. It is also useful in controlling constipation. The dietary fiber content in the oil is considerable and helps ease bowel movements.
Flaxseed oil also helps alleviate skin problems. The EFAs target the sites of the inflammation and bring about an overall soothing. Acne, psoriasis, sunburn, and rosacea have all been known to respond favorably to flaxseed oil. The omega- 3 acids ensure healthy hair and nails, and they also help to revitalize skin and prevent nails from cracking and breaking.
Flaxseed oil helps to reduce the severity of nerve damage and also aids in triggering nerve impulses. It helps to combat the effects of aging and the lignans present in the oil guard against cancer. Another important area where it is of great help is the brain. The omega-3 fatty acids help retain emotional health, thereby helping to tackle depression and possibly Alzheimer’s disease. Used externally, it can soften dry skin.
4. Grape Seed Oil

The nutritional components in grape seed oil provide a variety of health benefits, one of the most important being their ability to slow down and reserve free radical damage and reduce the risk of disease, especially heart disease. It also slows skin aging. Grapeseed oil is a powerful antioxidant, fifty times more potent than vitamin E, and twenty times more effective than vitamin C in destroying free radicals, harmful molecules that roam the body and damage cells.
Certain components in grape seed oil can help protect the body from sun damage, improve vision, flexibility in the joints, arteries, and body tissue, improve blood circulation and reduce allergic and asthmatic symptoms by inhibiting the formation of histamines. Many studies have been carried out to determine the benefits of using grape seed oil and, today, it is used in controlling various health problems like heart disease and cancer and for regulating blood sugar levels. Grapeseed oil is rich in vitamins E and C, flavonoids, and betacarotene.
Grapeseed oil presumably lowers cholesterol, especially LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol. On the other hand, it has been found to increase HDL (‘good’) cholesterol, which reduces the risks of coronary diseases. Some studies have shown that grape seed extract may be helpful in checking the growth of cancerous cells in the stomach, colon, prostate, and lung. Certain compounds found in grape seed oil are believed to improve vision, the flexibility of joints, and blood circulation.
5. Sesame Seed Oil

Historically, sesame oil has been used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and pain-reliever in skin conditions, gum disease, and a variety of other illnesses. Modern science now knows that sesame oil is a powerful antioxidant, high in polyunsaturated fats, and an excellent source of vitamin E and minerals. Sesame oil, in fact, has the fourth-highest concentration of polyunsaturated fats of any oil. Polyunsaturated fats are thought to be important in the prevention of illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Because sesame oil is a natural, readily attainable source of these important polyunsaturated fats as well as because of its vitamin and antioxidant properties, it has begun to gain the interest of traditional western medicine. It has been the subject of multiple clinical studies and continues to be examined as a potential treatment for cancer, menopause, gum disease, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Sesame oil is known for its healing power. When used as a massage oil, it protects the skin from problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and blemishes. It is an excellent emollient and is beneficial in alleviating tension and stress. It has been observed that people suffering from hypertension are usually prone to anxiety, poor circulation, nerve and bone disorders. Thus, the application of the oil protects the body from various disorders associated with the nervous system. It also helps with insomnia and mental fatigue.
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